Calculus with Applications (10th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0321749006
ISBN 13: 978-0-32174-900-0

Chapter 13 - The Trigonometric Functions - Chapter Review - Review Exercises - Page 703: 97


$k\left(\frac{r_2^{4}-r_1^{4}\cos(\theta)}{r_1^{4}r_2^{4}}\right)= 0$

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From the previous part: $$ks\left(\frac{r_2^{4}-r_1^{4}\cos(\theta)}{r_1^{4}r_2^{4}\sin^{2}(\theta)}\right)=0$$ Multiply by $\frac{\sin^{2}(\theta)}{s}$: $$\frac{\sin^{2}(\theta)}{s}\cdot ks\left(\frac{r_2^{4}-r_1^{4}\cos(\theta)}{r_1^{4}r_2^{4}\sin^{2}(\theta)}\right)=\frac{\sin^{2}(\theta)}{s}\cdot 0$$ $$k\left(\frac{r_2^{4}-r_1^{4}\cos(\theta)}{r_1^{4}r_2^{4}}\right)= 0$$
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