Calculus: Early Transcendentals 9th Edition

Published by Cengage Learning
ISBN 10: 1337613924
ISBN 13: 978-1-33761-392-7

Chapter 16 - Section 16.3 - The Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals - 16.3 Exercise - Page 1152: 7


$f(x,y)=ye^x+x\sin y+C$

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When the vector field $F(x,y)=Pi+Qj$ is a conservative field, then throughout the domain $D$, we have $\dfrac{\partial P}{\partial y}=\dfrac{\partial Q}{\partial x}$ $a$ and $b$ are the first-order partial derivatives on the domain $D$. Here, we have $\dfrac{\partial P}{\partial y}=\dfrac{\partial Q}{\partial x}=e^x +\cos y$ This implies that the vector field $F$ is conservative. Now, we have $f(x,y)=ye^x+x\sin y+g(y)$ [g(y) : A function of y] $f_y(x,y)=e^x+x\cos y+g'(y)$ Here, $g(y)=C$; where $C$ is a constant. Hence, we get $f(x,y)=ye^x+x\sin y+C$
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