Calculus: Early Transcendentals 9th Edition

Published by Cengage Learning
ISBN 10: 1337613924
ISBN 13: 978-1-33761-392-7

Chapter 16 - Review - Concept Check - Page 1209: 9


(a) See the explanation below. (b) See the explanation below. (c) See the explanation below.

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a) $F$ (vector field) can be defined on $\bf {R^3}$ as: $F=Ai+Bj+Ck$ where,$ i,j,k$ are the unit vectors. $curl \space F=(C_y-B_z)i+(A_z-C_k)j+(B_x-A_y)k= \nabla \times F$ b) $F$ (vector field) can be defined on $\bf {R^3}$ as: $F=Ai+Bj+Ck$ where,$ i,j,k$ are the unit vectors. $div \space F=\frac{\partial A}{\partial x}+\frac{\partial B}{\partial y}+\frac{\partial C}{\partial z}=\nabla \cdot F$ c) $\bf{curlF}$ interprets the rotation of the fluid which aligns itself with the axis and $\bf{divF}$ interprets the diversion of the fluid, that is, the rate at which the fluid gets diverged or pushed away from the axis.
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