Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (4th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0-32196-467-5
ISBN 13: 978-0-32196-467-0

Chapter 1 - First-Order Differential Equations - 1.4 Separable Differential Equations - Problems - Page 44: 24


Let the temperature of object at any instant of time is repersented by $T(t)$ , $t$ repersents the time interval for which object is placed in room. Now, according to question $\frac{dT}{dt}=-40^0F/h$, here negative sign repersents the decrease in temperature with respect time. Also, $T(0)=615^0F$ On integrating, we have $T(t)=-40t+c_1$ Using the intial values, $615=-40(0)+c_1$ $c_1=615$ On putting this value in equation we have $T(t)=-40t+615$ At $4 p.m$, $T=135^0F$ $135^0F=-40(t)+615$ $t=12 h$ Hence the object was placed at $4$ $a.m$

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At $4$ a.m
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