Big Ideas Math - Algebra 1, A Common Core Curriculum

Published by Big Ideas Learning LLC
ISBN 10: 978-1-60840-838-2
ISBN 13: 978-1-60840-838-2

Chapter 5 - Solving Systems of Linear Equations - 5.1 - Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Graphing - Exercises - Page 239: 13


The solution is $(3,4)$.

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The given system of linear equation is $y=-x+7$ ...... (1) $y=x+1$ ...... (2) Graph each equation. The intersection point is $(3,4)$. Check the intersection point. Equation 1: $\Rightarrow y=-x+7$ $\Rightarrow 4=-3+7$ $\Rightarrow 4=4$ True. Equation 2: $\Rightarrow y=x+1$ $\Rightarrow 4=3+1$ $\Rightarrow 4=4$ True. The solution is $(3,4)$.
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