Algebra: A Combined Approach (4th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0321726391
ISBN 13: 978-0-32172-639-1

Chapter 13 - Section 13.3 - Solving Nonlinear Systems of Equations - Exercise Set - Page 949: 42


${(-2,-4), (-2, 4), (2, -4), (2,4)}$

Work Step by Step

$x^2+y^2=20$ $xy=8$ $xy=8$ $xy/x=8/x$ $y=8/x$ $x^2+y^2=20$ $x^2+(8/x)^2=20$ $x^2+64/x^2=20$ $w=x^2$ $x^2+64/x^2=20$ $w+64/w=20$ $w*(w+64/w)=w*20$ $w^2+64=20w$ $w^2+64-20w=20w-20$ $w^2-20w+64=0$ $(w-16)(w-4)=0$ $w=x^2$ $(w-16)(w-4)=0$ $(x^2-16)(x^2-4)=0$ $x^2-16=0$ $x^2-16+16=0+16$ $x^2=16$ $\sqrt {x^2} =\sqrt {16}$ $x= ±4$ $x^2-4=0$ $x^2-4+4=0+4$ $x^2=4$ $\sqrt {x^2} =\sqrt 4$ $x=±2$ $x=±4$ $x^2+y^2=20$ $16+y^2=20$ $16+y^2-16=20-16$ $y^2=4$ $\sqrt {y^2} = \sqrt 4$ $y =±2$ $y=±4$ $x^2+y^2=20$ $16+x^2=20$ $16+x^2-16=20-16$ $x^2=4$ $\sqrt {x^2} = \sqrt 4$ $x =±2$
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