Engineering Mechanics: Statics & Dynamics (14th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0133915425
ISBN 13: 978-0-13391-542-6

Chapter 19 - Planar Kinetics of a Rigid Body: Impulse and Momentum - Section 19.4 - Eccentric Impact - Problems - Page 553: 53


$\omega_3=2.7309 rad/s$

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We can determine the required angular velocity as follows: We know that $mv_1r_1+I\omega_1=mv_2r_2+I\omega_2$ [eq(1)] As $v_1=\omega_1r=0.15(5)=0.75m/s$ and $v_2=\omega_2 r=0.15\omega_2$ Similarly $I=mk_G^2=(50)(0.125)^2=0.78125Kg/m^2$ We plug in these values in eq(1) to obtain: $50(0.75)(0.15-0.025)+0.78125(5)=50(0.15\omega_2)(0.15)+0.78125\omega_2$ This simplifies to: $\omega_2=4.50819 rad/s$ According to the conservation of energy $T_2+V_2=T_3+V_3$ [eq(2)] Now $T_2=\frac{1}{2}mv_2^2+\frac{1}{2}I\omega_2^2$ $\implies T_2=\frac{1}{2}(0.15\omega_2)^2+(\frac{0.78125}{2})\omega_2^2$ $\implies T_2=(0.953125)(4.5098)^2=19.3711J$ and $V_2=mgh_2=50(9.81)(0)=0$ $T_3=\frac{1}{2}mv_3^2+\frac{1}{2}I\omega_3^2$ $\implies T_3=\frac{50}{2}(0.15\omega_3)^2+(\frac{0.78125}{2})(\omega_3^2)$ $\implies T_3=0.953125\omega_3^2$ $V_3=mgh_3=(50)(9.81)(0.025)=12.2625J$ We plug in the known values in eq(2) to obtain: $19.3711+0=0.953125\omega_3^2+12.2625$ This simplifies to: $\omega_3=2.7309 rad/s$
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