T2 Trainspotting

T2 Trainspotting Analysis

The movie T2 Trainspotting manages to create a fitting sequel to the dystopian tune of the original movie. The screenplay is written in a way that allows the characters to have aged by the 20 years the movie prescribes without them losing their individuality. While the impact of the movie is less dramatic and more comical than the original it is definitely worth watching. When analyzing a movie like this, the overall cinematography and the originality of the script need to be considered.

In cinematography, the movie honors the feel of the original movie by placing the characters in derelict buildings, filming many scenes at night and focussing heavily on the more grimy aspects of Edinburgh. The movie also excels in depicting the contrast between the individual character's living situations. The failing pub is put in a nice contrast to the original housing of Mark in Amsterdam. While these scenes create a bleak atmosphere, the movie makes sure to fulfill its role as a comedy as well as a huge fan service. This can be seen in the comic return to Edinburgh of Mark and Sick Boy or the final weapon of choice, a toilet.

While these aspects of fan service are clearly part of the success of the movie, the script's originality allows the movie to stand on its own legs. The story line has similar themes, like friendship, drug abuse and crime, to the original movie but uses them in a new and exciting way. The biggest difference to the original movie is clearly the full happy ending, with friendships and families restored. This feeling would have been misplaced in the original movie but has a valid point in the sequel. While many critics have stated that the movie relied too much on the popularity of actor Ewan McGregor, others have pointed out the well-balanced screen time.

T2 Trainspotting is, ultimately, a pleasant return to the world of Trainspotting, without going too deep into the original lore. The cinematographic prowess, combined with the excellent screen play make it a good example of its genre.

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