Day 5

Swami and Friends Lesson Plan

Discussion of Thought Questions

  1. 1

    How does Swami's family realize he's missing? How does each family member react to Swami's disappearance?

    Swami's house is described as wearing a funereal appearance since 9 pm. While Swami's mother has tried to remain cheerful, the moment the clock strikes 10 she realizes her son is not returning home and sends Swami's father out to look for him. Swami's mother and grandmother are "dazed and demented": Swami's grandmother hobbles about the house, praying to the gods for Swami's return and promising rich offerings if he arrived safely, while Swami's mother stares down the road hoping to see her son.

    At first, Swami's father is not concerned, certain that Swami has...

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