"Sunshine State" and Other Stories Background

"Sunshine State" and Other Stories Background

“Sunshine State” is a short story which is a part of the collection called “Everything Change an Anthology of Climate Fiction” written by Adam Flynn and Andrew Dana Hudson and published in 2016. The authors categorize the story in the so-called solar punk genre of science fiction; a genre that is concerned with the future world and the ideas of individuality as well as community and the correlation between them.

The anthology is concerned with the theme of climate change and the reactions and concerns with it in the form of short fictional stories. The story “Sunshine State” follows a character called Ramses who joins the efforts to save Florida from the rising sea levels. It shows a positive response and conscious effort to reverse the effects of climate change, which is a hugely discussed concern of the contemporary times.

The story took the main award of the 2016 Climate Contest. Both of the writers’ other work deals with the contemporary issues which include technology and climate change.

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