Sunny Prestatyn Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Sunny Prestatyn Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Titch Thomas

The autograph that breaks the anonymity of the destruction and humiliation of the photo of the woman's body on the poster. It is purposefully used not to represent a person, but something different which is rather explicit. It is derived from the slang John Thomas and the word titch. John Thomas is a slang for male reproductive organ and titch is a synonym for small, so if you connect the two you get the picture and the meaning of the autograph.

"Fight cancer"

Let's destroy the poster that showcases a female body and a beautiful life and slap on a poster "Fight cancer" instead. The irony of it is immense and self-explanatory.

Female body

The motif of female body along with the idealistic background is used to represent a beautiful and for most, unattainable life. The body on the poster is soon destroyed and massacred in a humiliating way that shows sexual frustration and anger, one could say showcasing rape. The woman's face is destroyed: " and her face was snaggle-toothed and boss-eyed" while her sexual body parts "were scored well in".

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