Sunny Prestatyn Literary Elements

Sunny Prestatyn Literary Elements

Speaker or Narrator, and Point of View

Speaker: omniscient
Point of view: third person

Form and Meter

three stanza octave, ABCABDCD rhyme scheme

Metaphors and Similes

"Autographed Titch Thomas"
This doesn't represent an actual person that left a signature, it is a derivation from the slang John Thomas, which represents the male reproductive organ, and the word titch, which is a synonym for small.

Alliteration and Assonance

"In tautened white satin"- repetition of /t/


The entire poem is an ironic criticism of the society. The cheery poster of a girl representing a good life was destroyed and quickly removed to place a poster "Fight cancer" instead.




A place called Sunny Prestatyn



Protagonist and Antagonist

Even though the actual protagonist and antagonist were not included the poster that portraits a woman body and the immediate aggressive reaction of the society upon it can be seen from the standpoint of protagonist and antagonist.

Major Conflict

The poster of an exposed female body with a background that represents beautiful life was an immediate target of negative, arguably male, attention.


Being mutilated to the point where it looks like an indirect representation of rape of the female body the poster was replaced with a "fight cancer" poster.




The entire poem, showcasing an image from everyday life could be seen as an understated critique of the aggressive and depressed society.


Prestatyn is an actual place in the UK.

Metonymy and Synecdoche

Kneeling up on the sand
In tautened white satin.
-"Tautened white satin" representing the provocative clothes of the woman on the poster.


"Come To Sunny Prestatyn
Laughed the girl on the poster"
-The girl from the poster seems to awaken with these introductory lines of the poem.


"Behind her, a hunk of coast, a
Hotel with palms
Seemed to expand from her thighs and
Spread breast-lifting arms."
-The background and the girl on the poster enhance each other showcasing an idyllic and all the more unattainable life.



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