Sultana's Dream

Sultana's Dream Metaphors and Similes

Lunatics escaping from an asylum (Metaphor)

Sister Sara likens men escaping from their enclosed spaces to lunatics escaping from an asylum; if men escape, they will create chaos and destruction, and therefore need to be imprisoned due to their insanity.

"Lion is stronger than a man" (Metaphor)

Sister Sultana explains that even though lions are stronger than men, men do not let lions imprison them. Likewise, she argues, women should not let men imprison them just because they are physically stronger.

"Precious gems" (Metaphor)

The Queen describes the knowledge that the women discover through scientific investigation as "precious gems" that they dive for in the "ocean of knowledge." This metaphor's use of natural imagery also reinforces the women's desire and ability to coexist with both knowledge and the natural world around them.

Every plant "was itself an ornament" (Metaphor)

The plants that adorn Sister Sara's kitchen are compared to ornaments and decorations, emphasizing how beautiful every space in Ladyland is and how attentive the women are towards their surroundings. Sultana is continually charmed and impressed with the beauty in Ladyland, from Sister Sara's home to the Queen's garden.

Rainfall "as a blessing from heaven"

While discussing the innovation of rain harvest in Ladyland, Sultana describes her own home country's relationship to rainfall by expressing how desperately grateful they are to receive any rain, which contrasts with Ladyland's ability to produce rain when necessary and avoid any urgent need or discomfort as a result of natural disasters or weather.

"As though I were walking on a soft carpet" (Simile)

When Sister Sara takes Sultana into her house through the garden, Sister Sara describes the soft moss as a carpet. By likening the garden to a carpet, she evokes an image that is associated with the home, giving the garden a feeling of being comfortable and familiar.