Sultana's Dream

Sultana's Dream Character List


Sultana is the narrator and central character of the story. Her name is a feminized version of "sultan," an Arabic term used to refer to a sovereign ruler or powerful official. She does not reside in Ladyland and is only able to visit it in a dream.

Sister Sara

Sister Sara guides Sultana through Ladyland. Although "Sister Sara" is what Sultana refers to her as, it is important to note that Sister Sara is only a parallel figure to a woman that Sultana knows in her regular life.

The Queen

The Queen of Ladyland, who rules using pacifist strategies and desires to transform Ladyland into a garden.

The men

While there are no individual male characters named in the story, the men are present when Sister Sara explains how Ladyland is structured: with the men residing in restricted areas called mardanas. They are only referred to as a general group and lack individual identities.

The Lady Principal

The Lady Principal is a scientist who is responsible for Ladyland's original victory over an invading country, which is also the moment that allows the ladies to take advantage of the circumstance and imprison the men in order to found Ladyland.