Sullivan's Travels Irony

Sullivan's Travels Irony

Musicals and Comedies

Sullivan is a director who's made a career of making musicals and comedies. Ironically he wants to travel as a hobo in order to research suffering for a picture that's out of his money-making wheelhouse.


Sullivan is attempting to escape from the home he's staying in owned by a couple of sisters. All he has to do is walk out of his bedroom. Ironically, he can't get out through his bedroom door because he's been locked in as one of the women attempts to take advantage of him by forcing his exit path to come through her bedroom.

Leaving Hollywood

The director dresses as a hobo and hits the road to get out of Hollywood to see what a life of poverty is really like. He hitches a ride on a truck and falls asleep. Ironically, he's driven back to Hollywood, the place he's attempting to leave without knowing it.


The Girl meets Sullivan in a diner and thinks he's a hobo. She tells him she's an actress and wants to know if he can introduce her to Lubitsch. Ironically, the hobo before her can introduce her to the famous director and she doesn't know it yet.

Labor Situation

Sullivan hops onto a train with a couple of other homeless men and the first thing asks is what they feel about the labor situation. Ironically the poor people of the country don't want to talk about their poverty or their tough time in life. They know a phony when they see one.

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