Sullivan's Travels Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the irony of Sullivan giving his stack of money away at the end of the film?

    Sullivan goes around giving his money away because he believes that it will help those in need on the streets. The irony is that he's put a mark on his back to one man living on the streets as he sees Sullivan as a man who has even more money that he wants to take. And the man is willing to kill Sullivan for the rest of the cash he has on him. Thus Sullivan nearly loses his life as he gives in a very foolish way.

  2. 2

    What is the significance of the dissolve shot from the weeping woman to a train after Sullivan is presumed dead?

    Sturges shows The Girl weeping as she learns that Sullivan is dead and then slowly dissolves into a shot of an oncoming train coming directly into her head. The shot is significant as Sturges is showing us exactly what she is feeling in this moment with his imagery. It allows the force of what she is feeling to be understood without a word.

  3. 3

    What does Sullivan discover after being on the road?

    Sullivan began his journey because he wants to do a picture that is deep in meaning and not do comedies anymore. But in his journey to discover the heart of the country he learns that everyone is going through difficult times and that the comedies he makes serve a great purpose in that they provide a source of laughter and escape from the hardship of life that has been thrust down upon so many people. When Sullivan returns to work, he declares he will continue to make comedies because the people of America need them.

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