Stuart Little

Stuart Little Character List

Stuart Little

Stuart Little is a child who looks like a mouse—he is about two inches tall and does not act like a human child. He can walk and talk right away, dresses well and is concerned with his fitness, enjoys activities such as racing sailboats, and has an adventurous streak. He is prone to anxiety and is easily affronted, but has a kind heart and cares deeply for his family and Margalo, the bird he befriends.

George Little

George Little is the eldest child in the family and the brother of Stuart. George is quite adventurous and enjoys many sports, but is a little scatterbrained. Occasionally he seems jealous of Stuart, but overall loves his brother.

Eleanor Little

Eleanor Little is the wife of Frederick Little and the mother of George and Stuart Little. She is a very loving and caring mother and cares a lot about her children. She seems to be very overprotective of Stuart.

Frederick Little

Frederick Little is the husband of Eleanor Little and the loving father of Stuart and George Little. He is portrayed as hard-working and thoughtful. Frederick always encourages his sons to look at the brighter side to every bad situation, especially Stuart.


Snowbell is the Littles' family cat, a white Persian. He does not attack Stuart, but the two have an acrimonious relationship. He also chooses not to attack Margalo, as he knows she is a guest of the family, but he says it is okay for one of his friends to do so.


A beautiful bird who stays with the Little family for a time, and with whom Stuart falls in love. She is perhaps a "hen-bird," "brown, with a streak of yellow on her breast" (50). She tells Stuart she comes from "fields once tall with wheat, from pastures deep in fern and thistle" (51), and that she loves to whistle.


The sullen and fat boy who owns the boat that Stuart races; he does not know much about sailing and has an arrogant demeanor.

Dr. Paul Carey

The dentist whom Stuart befriends, and who owns the Wasp, the boat Stuart races at the sailboat pond. He provides Stuart with an automobile for his quest to find Margalo.

Harriet Ames

A beautiful, athletic, well-dressed, and wealthy girl just smaller than Stuart whom he invites on a date during his stay at Ames Crossing. She is friendly enough, but is not impressed with his attitude.


A loquacious repairman whom Stuart meets on his way out of town, and who encourages him in his journey northward.