Starship Troopers (Film) Themes

Starship Troopers (Film) Themes

Militarism and Propaganda

Throughout the film we see multiple advertisements for the Federation army. They paint a grave picture about the arachnid species that is threatening our world, and they need civilians to enlist in order to fight them and end the war. This imagery throughout the film is similar to fascist propaganda ads that were created in order for people to get behind the military and support what they believe is the way in which the world should operate. The director Paul Verhoeven stated that, "War makes fascists of us all."

The Future of War

The story is based in a future society that exists in the 23rd century. The main theme that is tied into this futuristic world is that war has not ended, it has simply expanded. We now fight wars between planets, and against other civilizations as we have become a unified group of world citizens. Thus the story is relying on the fact that we will ban together once there is a threat to our world greater than the national threats that we currently face.

Unrequited Love

Rico and Carmen are together in the beginning of the film, but she ends the relationship because of her career aspirations. It is only because of her that Rico joins the army, thus everything he does is in order to be loved by her. But she does not return this love to him as she believes her life has more to it. In the same way Diz is in love with Rico and he doesn't pay her any attention. His eyes are set on Carmen, and nothing she says will make him change his mind. It's only when Carmen rejects Rico that he makes an attempt to connect with Diz on a deeper level.

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