Starship Troopers (Film) Imagery

Starship Troopers (Film) Imagery

Left in the Dust

Johnny sees Carmen off as she leaves to train as a pilot. She gets on a train and it takes of at a high speed. Johnny is left in the dust. The image tells us exactly the relationship he and Carmen have as she puts her career before love.


Carmen sends Johnny a video message once she arrives outside of Jupiter. The planet is behind her as she tells Johnny that it isn't going to work between the two of them. She has aspirations to be a Captain and to make a career in the military. She stands between Johnny whom she loves and the planet which represents her dreams, and chooses her dreams.

Federal News

Throughout the film, we see ad campaigns for the Federation army asking for enlistment. The ads are imagery that points towards militarism and fascist propoganda that supports the military leading the way.

100,000 Dead

After an initial invasion, a news report declares that 100,000 troopers were killed in less than one hour. The images show the horror of the battle that just occured, and with body parts strewn across the battlefield we know that the Federal army is outmatched.

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