Spirit Bound Imagery

Spirit Bound Imagery

Rose as an angel

“You're beautiful in battle," said Dimitri. His cold voice carried to me clearly, even above the roar of combat. "Like an avenging angel come to deliver the justice of heaven."

The imagery of Rose has always been as a battle-hardened soldier, who fights for her loved ones. However, this line depicts Rose very differently. Usually, it is Lissa who is described as being ‘like an angel’, but this line does indeed reflect Rose’s determination to grant Dimitri one final justice by killing him.

Adrian’s attitude

"It's okay," said Adrian breezily. He rested his arm casually on the table. "I don't really need a job or extra money. After Rose and I get married, the kids and I'll just live off of her guardian paycheck.”

Adrian has always been shown to be careless and last. Though his attitude improves in a relationship with Rose, this does not change him as much as expected. Indeed, he continues to behave in a childish manner, which puts him at a sharp contrast to someone like Rose, who is highly driven and motivated.

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