Spellbound Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why does Calin block his dreams from Bryna as he grows older?

    As he grows older, Calin is embarrassed by the dreams. It is not normal to have such vivid dreams that seem real. He craves normalcy in his life so he pushes back against what he feels is not normal.

  2. 2

    Why does Bryna wait until close to the solstice to make contact with Calin again?

    Bryna felt slighted by Calin’s ignoring her. She felt his blocking of her dreams as a personal affront. This lead her to wait to contact him until the solstice signifying the end of the spell drew near. She realizes it was a mistake, but she felt scorned and could not approach him until the needed time.

  3. 3

    Why does Byrna push Calin away on the day of the Solstice? Why does she lead him away from the Castel?

    Bryna does not want Calin to be hurt so she fights with him on the morning of the Solstice. She does not feel that he loves her so will not be useful in a fight against Alasdair. She has the white stag lead him away so that he will not be there for the fight and Alasdair will not hurt him. She is willing to kill herself to keep Calin and her family possessions safe.

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