So You Want to Be a Wizard Quotes


"Reading one book is like eating one potato chip."


The quote shows that Nita's hobby was reading as many books as possible. However, despite reading being a hobby, Nita found the library to be a safe home because it separated her from her bullies, who were always ready to assault her. While in the children's library, Nita scanned the various books on the shelves and discovered that she had read almost all of them. Interestingly, Nita noted that she had read some titles more than five times. However, there is this one title, So You want to Be a Wizard, that she wanted to revisit because she had several titles from that series. Later, that book changed her destiny, and she became a magical power and force that no student could reckon with.

"(True,) the white hole said. (My name is Khairelikoblepharehglukumeilichephreidosd'enagouni-) and at the same time, he went flickering through a pattern of colors that was evidently the visual translation."


When Nita and Kit cast the first spell, the White Hole falls to earth, and he introduces himself as Fred because his name is too long for them to comprehend. Fred is here on a mission to take Nita and Kit into the alternate world to meet the powerful influencers of the magical world. Fred leads Nita, Kit, and other senior wizards into the alternate globe, where they face the dark creature working day and night to bring darkness into the world.

"I doubt I could be nice all the time, myself if I had that a lot on my back. That the only one you want today, or should I just have the nonfiction section boxed and sent over to your house?”

Mrs. Lesser

Nita is a familiar face in the library, and Mrs. Lesser is one of the librarians that know Nita is a book warmer. When she goes to borrow the book titled So You Want to Be a Wizard, Mrs. Lesser jokes that she can send a whole box of nonfiction books to her house. However, the joke is well intended because she appreciates Nita's ability to read so many books within a short period. Nita declines Mrs. Lesser’s offer and argues that her father will not be happy if a whole box of nonfiction is sent to her house.

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