Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches

Further reading

  • Provost, Kara; Lorde, Audre (December 1, 1995). "Becoming Afrekete: The Trickster in the Work of Audre Lorde". MELUS. 20 (4): 45–59. doi:10.2307/467889. JSTOR 467889.
  • Martin, Joan M. (April 1, 1993). "The Notion of Difference for Emerging Womanist Ethics: The Writings of Audre Lorde and bell hooks". Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion. 9 (1/2): 39–51. JSTOR 25002199.
  • Morris, Margaret Kissam (January 1, 2002). "Audre Lorde: Textual Authority and the Embodied Self". Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies. 23 (1): 168–188. doi:10.1353/fro.2002.0009. ISSN 1536-0334. S2CID 143766372.

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