Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All For You Quotes


"You said she was very elevated, and that when she was in the 7th grade she didn't have her first period, she had a stigmata."


Diane is telling Sister Mary Ignatius who Mary Jean Mahoney, a former student of hers, is in order to help her remember that she wrote the play they are about to perform. Sister Mary has elevated Mary Jean to someone of holiness, even having told her students that she had a stigmata rather than a period.

"Wait until I recognize you, Aloysius."

Sister Mary Ignatius

The Sister says this to Aloysius at the end of the play. She has made him sit in his seat until she allow him to use the bathroom, just like what she did to him as a child that made him wet his pants every day. Only this time, she has him at gunpoint.

"Well, that's very nice, but Christ loves us an infinite amount. How do we know that, Thomas?"

Sister Mary Ignatius

Sister Mary says this to the young Thomas who is only seven years old after she previously asked him how much he loved God, his response being "This much" as he stretched out his arms. It shows that she is imbedding an insidious seed in him with her statement in reply here.

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