Shirley Metaphors and Similes

Shirley Metaphors and Similes

Beautiful morning (metaphor)

The author does not spare poetic words and metaphors for describing nature. One morning started “by six o'clock, therefore dawn was just beginning to steal on night”. This metaphorical description of the morning starting adds vivid coloring to the entire story.

Happy time (metaphor)

Caroline arrived at Moore’s house twice a week to take French lessons from Hortense; she liked to be in this house, because she had an opportunity to talk with Robert. It did not happen very often as Robert was rather busy, but when he was a t home “the evening hours passed on wings of light; they were gone before they were counted”, for Caroline it was more than a pleasure.

Like a phantom (simile)

Robert has guessed that Caroline had feelings for him, but he was so busy with the factory that was not ready yet to answer her feelings with his own. Once when Caroline approached his house, he was on the lane and when saw her “he would have passed from before her eyes like a phantom, if he could”. He did not want to hurt her, but was not ready to open her his own heart.

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