Rock Springs Literary Elements

Rock Springs Literary Elements


Collection of short stories

Setting and Context

Written in the context of handling the effect of dysfunctional families

Narrator and Point of View

Third-person narrative

Tone and Mood

The tone is thoughtful, and the mood is insightful.

Protagonist and Antagonist

The protagonist is Earl Middleton.

Major Conflict

In the story ' Rock Springs, the major conflict is between Earl and his girlfriend, Edna. Edna leaves Earl and his daughter stranded in the middle of nowhere when their car breaks down. Edna thinks that Earl does not love her.


The climax comes in the story 'Communist', in which Les's mother reminds Glen of the significance of keeping civilization alive.


The separation between Edna and Earl in 'Rock Springs' is foreshadowed by Earl's habit of breaking the law.


Earl's shady criminal record is understated in 'Rocks Spring.'


The story ‘Communist’ alludes to the significance of keeping evolution alive.


The description of Jackie's father fishing habits in the story 'Great Falls' creates visual images of Judith River Basin, thus appealing to the sense of sight to readers.


The main paradox is the willingness of Bobby to surrender in the story ‘Sweethearts.’



Metonymy and Synecdoche

Civilization in the story ‘Communist’ is used as a metonymy for living things.



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