Rock Springs Imagery

Rock Springs Imagery

The Imagery of the Sunset - “Rock Springs”

Earl recalls, “The sunset that day I remember as being the prettiest I’d ever seen. Just as it touched the rim of the horizon, it all at once fired the air into jewels and red sequins the precise likes of which I had never seen before and haven’t seen since. The West has it all over everywhere for sunsets, even Florida, where it’s supposedly flat but where half the time trees block your view.” The emblematic jewels accentuate the sunset’s conspicuous splendor, which is inimitable. Sequins contribute to the sunset’s appealing radiance.

The Imagery of the Jackie’s father’s fishing - “Great Falls”

Jackie recounts, “It is a true thing that my father did not know limits. In the spring, when we would go east to the Judith River Basin and camp up on the banks, he would catch a hundred fish in a weekend, and sometimes more than that. It was all he did from morning until midnight, and it was never hard for him. He used yellow corn kernels stacked onto a #4 swelled hook, and he would rattle this rig-up along the bottom of a deep pool below split-shot bikers, and catch fish.” Manifestly, the narrator’s father is passionate with fishing; he does it continuously because it is a hobby that would not exhaust him. His ability to fish an enormous number of fish affirms that he is agile at fishing.

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