Red Queen Imagery

Red Queen Imagery

Cal noticing Mare

Red Queen has an extreme plot twist towards the end of the book. The people Mare though she could trust and even love, turned their back on her with a complete 180 twist, killing and destroying everything good she hoped could come from the future. However, Cal kept his place beside her. He was there trying to help her when she had done him wrong, when no one knew of her powers or who she would become. Cal noticing Mare showed the true character of Cal, which is the only person we really “know”.

Mare showing her powers

Mare though her whole life would be turned upside-down when she went to work in the palace. That was not true: her life took another route when it was revealed that she had unparalleled powers and was still red-blooded. This showed that the Reds were human and rightfully so, as she was able to do the exact same things as the blessed Silvers.

Maven and the Queen

Maven was a really likable character at the beginning of the book, especially when he found out about Mare’s powers. He took care of her and helped her when she needed someone the most. This was in contrast to Cal, who was more reserved and laid-back, even though he wished Mare everything good. However, Maven’s act was just that - an act. His mother, the Queen, had ordered him to make Mare fall in love with him, so they could have her on their side.

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