Pump Six and Other Stories Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Pump Six and Other Stories Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The data cube

The data cube symbolizes certain information, which is the realization of the Dalai Lama. Mothers are running after acquiring the data cube because they believe that their future is defined by it. For instance, after acquiring the data cube, an individual is supposed to keep safe because its destruction spells doom.

The fiefdoms

The fiefdoms are symbolized by the flamboyant lifestyle of the powerful and wealthy individuals in society. In the story 'The Fluted Girl,' the author explains the return of fiefdoms, offering rich individuals an opportunity to live an expensive life. For instance, when individuals have exposure to much money, they can afford anything or even pay for it twice.

The dog

The dog is mentioned in the story 'The People of Sand and Slag' to symbolize negligence of environmental conservation. The author describes a dog living in a toxic environment where such a creature is not supposed to call home. The group of people who meets the dog tries to help it, but unfortunately, it dies. Satirically, that group of people continues living in that environment, not knowing that they might be the next victims. Consequently, the author reminds readers of the significance of environmental conservation, which plays a critical role in saving lives.


The author uses Manhattan figuratively to represent the impact of pollution in the current and future world. Why Manhattan? Manhattan is among the best cities with the best urban planning. However, the people living in the city have become idiots and suspended their reasoning because they are littering carelessly. Now, the sewerage and drainage systems are blocked, making it impossible for waste to flow smoothly. Therefore, the city has become chaotic and unfit for living. Consequently, pollution endangers lives, and the author is reminding readers that it is their responsibility to keep their surroundings clean.

The ‘Yellow Card Man’

The ‘Yellow Card Man’ symbolizes the effects of war on humanity. The story is about the Yellow Card people who ran away for safety from their ancestral homes. The effects of the war were devastating because many people lost lives and valuable properties destroyed. The Yellow Card Man’s business destruction is a vivid illustration of what war can do to business establishments.

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