Pump Six and Other Stories Characters

Pump Six and Other Stories Character List

Tranh (“Yellow Card Man”)

Tranh is the yellow card man. He loses his family and wealth due to war. He lives in paucity and grief in Bangkok.

Dung Lord (“Yellow Card Man”)

Dung Lord is a monopolist who has power over the rundown apartments where refugees reside.

Ma Ping (“Yellow Card Man”)

He is Tranh’s ex-employee. Tranh dismissed him. They come upon each other in Thai kingdom.

The Fluted Girl (Lidia) (“The Fluted Girl”)

The Fluted Girl is the leading character in “The Fluted Girl.” She often gets in nuisance, with Belari, due to her propensity to hide which prompts employees to look for her.

Miriam (“The Fluted Girl”)

Miriam is Belari’s reliable employee. She takes part in searching for the ‘fluted girl’.

Nia (“The Fluted Girl”)

Nia is the Lidia’s twin sister. She causes less anxiety than Lidia as she is compliant.

Belari (“The Fluted Girl”)

Belari is an influential woman controls the lives of Nia and Lidia. Belari is preoccupied with immortality.

Stephen (“The Fluted Girl”)

He is a former employee of Belari. Moreover, he was close friends with Lidia. He was slaughtered when he attempted to kill Belari, and his body was cooked and served to guests.

Burson (“The Fluted Girl”)

Burson is Belari’s ‘head of security.’ He is the only one who flashes Lidia from her hidey-holes with the assistance of dogs and jackals.

Vernon Weir (“The Fluted Girl”)

He is the prodigy known for ‘sculpting’ female bodies. He is credited with making Belari famous by paying for the alteration of her body.

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