Prozac Nation Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Prozac Nation Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Psychological Depression

Wurtzel is a figurative character who represents the psychological torture and depression children go through when their parents undergo divorce. Wurtzel is first diagnosed with depression when she is above twenty years. While growing up, Wurtzel witnesses a nasty separation between her parents, which throws her into depression. Consequently, children are negatively affected by the divorce of their parents. After separation, parents must take care of their parents to avoid creating a gap in the child's psychological development.

The Prozac drug

The author emblematically uses the Prozac drug to represent openness about mental health. When the author first takes the drug in England, she is unsure if it will work, but eventually, it does. More people start using the drug and open up about their mental health because there is a ray of hope. According to the author, there is a need to talk about mental health early to help people suffering from depression to healing faster.

Irresponsible parenting

Wurtzel’s father is a symbol of irresponsible parenting. After divorcing his wife, he forgets that he has the responsibility of co-parenting and ensuring that the young girl does not experience a vacuum in her life. Paradoxically, the father is absent from the child's growth which negatively affects her general growth.

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