Popol Vuh Themes

Popol Vuh Themes

Devotion Rewarded by Favor

The dominant theme of this ancient text relates to how the gods honor and reward devotion. The creator deities, from the start, prefer the first four men because they remain loyal to their creators throughout their lives. Other lineages are created, but the first four are the favorites. Unlike their counterparts and obvious competitors, their tribe is rewarded with land, conquests, fertility, and all the makings of a future civilization. Repeatedly the first four and their descendants face immense odds against their survival, but they appeal to their creators for aid and are honored for it. Then when Quiché is established, they build a temple to their gods' first thing, as a symbol of their ongoing devotion to the creator deities.

Cyclical Creation

The creator deities collaborate to create the Earth as it became. Despite differing opinions and skill sets, they come together because creation is their unifying purpose. They overlook differences to initiate this creative force. After creating the first four men, the gods give them wives as well so that the men may participate in creation as well. In this, Xpiyacoc and Xmucane are the primary creative forces because their titles and powers relate to propagation. They initiate the subsequent creative domino effect which multiplies the first four into an entire civilization.

Cunning in Leadership

The characters -- often in this particular text mythic figures -- who distinguish themselves as leaders do so often through cunning. Their tact leads to opportunities that would not have opened otherwise, a surprising twist in the story of an ancient civilization among which the tendency is often purely conquest-oriented. While leaders like Hunahpu and Xbalanque do lead their people toward conquest, they do so by following their mother's example. Lady Blood was a woman of integrity who based her decisions upon her own desires and values rather than following an expected course. She taught her sons to honor the gods and to think strategically. Consequently both men are able to earn the allegiance of protection from Heart of Sky, in turn ensuring blessing upon their own children.

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