Popol Vuh Metaphors and Similes

Popol Vuh Metaphors and Similes

The Creation of the earth

The Popol Vuh describes the creation of the earth as, ‘And the earth arose because of them. It rose suddenly like a cloud, like a mist now forming, unfolding…’ The narrator has likened the rising of the earth like that of a cloud therefore creating imagery by using a simile.


One Hunaphu and Seven Hunaphu had been tricked into sitting on a burning bench and were badly injured. The tricksters laughed and their laughter is described as, ‘…the laughter rose like a serpent in their very cores…’ The description of how they laughed has been done by use of a simile. The simile likened the motion of the laughter to the rise of a serpent.

Tree Sap

Blood Woman had been condemned to die because she was with child and she had failed to reveal the name of the father to the council. The council sentenced her to death and ordered that her heart be brought to them. The executioners had mercy on her and substituted the heart for a fruit and red tree sap and let her go. The tree sap is described as, ‘…when the sap of the tree was sapped, the sap like blood…’ The simile has likened the sap to blood because of its color red.

The Place of Hunaphu and Xbalanque in the family

Hunaphu and Xbalanque were despised by their elder brothers and were mistreated by their grandmother. They were angered by this for they knew their place in the family. The narrator says that, ‘…they knew their proper place which they see as clear as day.’ The simile used has likened how well Hunaphu and Xbalanque knew their place in the family to the clarity of day.

Seven Macaw

Seven Macaw described his teeth by using a simile. He described them as, ‘My teeth just glitter with jewels, and turquoise as well; they stand out blue with stones like the face of the sky.’ Therefore, likened his teeth’s color to the sky therefore building imagery.

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