Perilous Kinship Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Perilous Kinship Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Xenophobic Attacks (Motif)

There is no justification for taking one's life based on color, race, and ethnic background. In 1993, Germany was characterized by an atmosphere of panic when the Nazis descended on the Turkish people slaughtering them and destroying their properties. The xenophobic attacks led to the demise of many Turkish families, and those who remained are traumatized by the past experiences. The motif of this incident is that human life should be respected and protected at all costs.

The silver casket

The silver casket is a symbol of racial unrest against the Turkish people in their country. When Sascha comes of age to inherit his late parents' fortune, he comes across a silver casket left by his grandfather. The casket contains numerous journal recordings detailing how the Turkish have been racially discriminated against and humiliated in their country over the years. The journals also represent Sascha's identity because he has roots in German, Jewish, and Turkish.


Sascha is a symbol of identity crisis that people go through in their lives due to multiple ethnic backgrounds. Sascha is linked to three ethnicities, German, Jew, and Turkish. However, Sascha lives as a such German and refuses to be associated with German and Turkish origins. However, Sascha knows that he is betraying his true identity by masking himself as a pure German when his ancestors had multiple personalities.

Sascha’s grandfather

The grandfather symbolizes tangibility in Sascha’s life and self-discovery. The journals written by the grandfather to his grandson are vital in helping Sascha discovering his identity. Similarly, the journals are significant in helping Sascha to under the historical racial injustices against the Turkish and Jews in German and greater Europe.

Death of Sascha's Parents

The death of Sascha's emblem the devastating effects of racial unrest on the emotional development of the children. Sascha's parents were killed during the racial unrest against the Jews and the Turkish. As a result, Sascha grew up without parental love, which negatively impacted his emotional development. Whenever there is unrest, the children are the ones who suffer the most.

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