People of the Whale

People of the Whale Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Drought (Symbol)

The drought symbolizes retribution from nature. After the whale hunt and Marco's murder, the elders predict that there will be a long drought, to make the tribe atone for the disrespectful actions of Dwight and his followers. This proves to be correct, and a long and brutal drought descends on Dark River immediately after the hunt. it disrupts fishing and various parts of daily life on the reservation. People grow fearful that a tsunami will strike, as a previous drought came immediately before a terrible storm. Only after Ruth offers a sacrifice to the Rain Priest does it abate. The drought serves as a reminder that the actions of the people of the tribe are always subject to the judgment of the natural world. Similarly, it also symbolizes the way in which nature demands respect, as it brings suffering when it is not given its proper due.

The Whale Hunt (Symbol)

The whale hunt is a symbol for the decline of traditional values. In the past, the whale hunt was a sacred ritual. Men like Thomas's grandfather Witka, with a gift for breathing underwater, would dive deep beneath the water and listen for whales. They would treat the animal with respect and make careful decisions about when to hunt. When Dwight organizes a whale hunt, it is done entirely for money, put together hastily and without unanimous approval. The whale's body is disrespected after it is killed, with men writing on it and putting beer in its blowhole. The denigration of this ritual reflects the decay of the tribe's social cohesion, the loss of cultural continuity, and the collapse of values.

Medals (Symbol)

Thomas's army medals function as a symbol of false honor. Thomas's father feels an inflated sense of pride about Thomas's recognition from the army. However, Thomas feels only disgust and self-hatred about his medals, as he believes he only committed atrocities in Vietnam, killing his platoon and bearing witness to the other soldier's violence. In his view, the best thing he could say about what he did is that he prevented a massacre. He eventually leaves them at the Pentagon because he feels as though he does not want or deserve them and that he should not be honored for what he did. The medals represent false honor in that they give the appearance of propriety, but do not reflect Thomas's actual experience of the war.

The Red Fish (Symbol)

The red fish is a symbol of Thomas's absence in Lin's life. When Thomas is forced to leave Vietnam, he gives Lin a red fish. She holds onto the fish for a long time after he leaves, as it reminds her of him. The image of it allows her to think back on her memories of him. When she comes to America, she brings him a red fish, thinking it will make him happy, but all it does for him is dredge up the painful scene of his departure and the horrors that preceded it. In this way, it symbolizes his absence, as it forces both of them to think about the past, even in different contexts.

Loyalty (Motif)

Loyalty is a major motif throughout the book. Some characters, like Thomas and Ruth, treat loyalty as a key virtue and treat the people around them with kindness and compassion, as they believe it is an essential part of the tribe surviving. In contrast, characters like Dwight show no interest in loyalty and betray the people around them. Dwight's killing of Marco and shooting of Thomas demonstrate the lengths he is willing to go to in order to protect himself. He believes he has the loyalty of the men around him, but in actuality, he has merely bullied them into going along with his schemes. Where Dwight's plan eventually backfires, Ruth and Thomas continue to have to support the community, as they have bonds forged from compassion and not violence.