People of the Whale

People of the Whale Imagery

The Smell of the Sea (Olfactory)

Ruth comes to the home of the elders and appreciates the atmosphere: “Finally, in the rich smell of the sea, she reached the shore of white houses.” This olfactory imagery gives a sense of the history of the place while also solidifying the impression that the elders are more in tune with the natural world, as their home smells more strongly of the ocean.

Fish in the Sea (Visual Imagery)

Hogan describes Ruth and Thomas's wedding in the following manner: “Then there was Ruth, the woman Thomas Witka Just had married in a tribal ceremony on the beach. What a wedding! All their friends were there. It was even said the fish attended making the water shine with their silver leaps and splashes.” This visual imagery of fish making "silver leaps and splashes" highlights the joyous nature of this celebration.

Foot Pain (Haptic Imagery)

When Thomas returns from war, his feet ache: “Right now the only earthly connection he felt to anything was this walking away from everything in his new boots, hurting and stiff.” This haptic imagery emphasizes how tired and worn out Thomas is after suffering so intensely in the war.

Singing Wind (Auditory Imagery)

Ruth returns home and hears the wind making an unusual sound: “Now she comes back inside her mother’s house and the sound of the wind is sometimes like singing.” The auditory imagery of the wind "singing" implies that Ruth is more in touch with nature than other characters and can partially decipher the messages it sends her.