Other Desert Cities Irony

Other Desert Cities Irony


Brooke has written her memoir in order to get the truth out about how her brother Henry became the person he was because of their parents. Ironically, Lyman and Polly saved Henry's life; they didn't cause him to end it.


Silda has helped Brooke with her book through the entire process in order to ensure the world knows the type of people Lyman and Polly are. Ironically, she fails to mention to Brooke that she abandoned Henry when he was crying for help before his suicide.


Brooke believes that her parents don't want her book to be published because it would tarnish their reputations. Ironically, Polly and Lyman don't want it published because it would rehash the incident and put Henry in the public eye once more, and that could lead to someone recognizing him and turning him in.


All of the play, with the exception of the final scene, takes place during Christmas, a time to get away from work and take time off. Ironically, this becomes the most stressful time for the entire family as they deal with the potential bomb of Brooke's book.


Lyman worked his way up to a top position in the Republican party, and Brooke believes he is more loyal to his political agenda than to his son. Ironically, Lyman has kept up appearances in order to protect Henry, not to disown him.

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