Orphan Train Themes

Orphan Train Themes


The reasons for immigration are numerous and varied but, regardless of a cause of it, the whole process is difficult and challenging. Niamh’s parents decided to leave Ireland hoping to improve their lives and find happiness but they never did. First of all, they were surprised to find out that they were going to be judged on their origin, language and even faith. The reality proved to be harsh. Although they came to the USA in the beginning of the 20th century, the prejudices immigrants often have to face are still the same. Intolerance and homesickness make a life in a new country even more difficult.

Free labor and financial support

In spite of the fact that this novel is a fiction, it covers a rather serious problem of free child labor and fraud. Niamh was made to work for almost every family she stayed with. Although they were obliged to send her to school, they refused to do that or did it rather reluctantly. Sometimes she had to work as an adult spending all her time sewing clothes or cleaning a house. Molly was luckier, for child labor had been forbidden before her birth, but that didn’t prevent her foster parents from stealing from her. They received money for giving her home and for covering Molly’s expenses but the girl never saw them.

Trust and the fear of lost

It is difficult to trust other people, especially when you were let down more than once. The more one lives with the thought that he/she is against the whole world the more difficult it is to start relying on others. That fear almost cost Molly her boyfriend and it definitely made Niamh’s life poorer and far less interesting. Nothing can guarantee us that our loved ones are going to stay with us forever, but that doesn’t mean that it is better to stay alone. If Niamh could cope with her fear, she would never give her daughter up for adoption.

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