Orphan Train Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Orphan Train Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

A turtle (symbol)

Molly thinks that she is like “a turtle carrying its shell”. They carry “their homes on their backs”, being “exposed and hidden at the same time”. A turtle is believed to be a symbol of “strength and perseverance”. If the situation calls for it, Molly can pack her possessions in one suitcase and move to another place, for she is her home, she carries it inside her heart and so does a turtle.

An orphan train (allegory)

An orphan train is an allegory of uncertainty and absolute loneliness. The children on this train learn to expect nothing because absence of hopes makes “the whole experience easier to bear”. Many years after that terrifying ride, Niamh still suffers from nightmares in which she is alone on the train, “heading into the wilderness”.

Cleaning an attic and adjusting to different situations

Niamh and Molly spent a lot of time trying to “adjust” to their new homes. No one really has ever cared that it might be rather difficult for a child to be kicked out of a home every time she/he makes a mistake. While Molly tries to master the art of adjustment, Niamh decides that it is high time start “cleaning an attic”, which means that the old woman wants to have the last look at her past and sort the things out.

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