"On the Bridge" and Other Stories

"On the Bridge" and Other Stories Irony

Adam Blames Seth for the Cigarette (Situational Irony)

When the three muscular men confront Adam and Seth and demand to know who flicked the cigarette at their car, Strasser writes that "Seth was determined not to tell. He didn't believe in squealing on his friends." Seth realizes a moment later that Adam is pointing blame at Seth. In this instance of situational irony, Seth's belief in solidarity—which is likely meant partly as a show of toughness to impress Adam—is undermined by the revelation that Adam does not share Seth's loyalty.

Seth Throws Away His Jacket (Situational Irony)

After being physically assaulted, Seth finds that his denim jacket is blood-stained and finally looks the way he always wanted. Strasser writes that "the stains would probably make it look pretty cool. Like a jacket that had been worn in tons of fights." But despite having achieved the marks of authenticity he had wanted, Seth throws the jacket away. In this instance of situational irony, Seth gives up on his desire to appear cool and tough, having realized the hollowness of Adam's act.

Neither Boy Sees the car Take the Exit Ramp (Dramatic Irony)

Although the narrator stays close to Seth's point of view for most of the story, the narrator breaks away from Seth's perspective to present an instance of dramatic irony. After Adam flicks his cigarette onto the black car, Strasser writes that "neither of them saw the black car pull off onto the exit ramp and come up behind them on the bridge." By momentarily showing Seth and Adam to be oblivious to the impending consequences, Strasser creates a sense of foreboding for the reader.