Of Plymouth Plantation Imagery

Of Plymouth Plantation Imagery

Images of Plymouth Rock

There are images of the actual Plymouth Rock, and they depict that the real Plymouth rock doesn’t involve the arrival of Mayflower. It was a small ship which didn’t include any women and the crew was not greeted by Indians.

Religious imagery

There are images of the Church of England and of people practicing their religious rites. There are also the images of Protestants who denied the authority of the Church of England and left England in order to practice their religious views. The images of Moses moving to the promised land are also present in the book.

Plant imagery

There are several images of plants in the book. For example, the title of the novel also alludes towards plantation. There are images of watering the plants and cutting them off the ground. The beginning of revolution has been indicated by the ‘seeds of revolution’. There are images of planting corn seeds and they refer to the providence of God.

Images of Pilgrimage

In the novel, there are several images of pilgrimage and pilgrims. The puritans moved to America as pilgrims and they used to believe that they would turn that land into a Holy land and there they would offer the pilgrimage. The entire journey of the pilgrims was propagated by Bradford.

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