Day 3

Of Mice and Men Lesson Plan

Classroom Activities

  1. 1

    Dramatizing the Text

    Kind of Activity:

    small groups


    to envision the text, as Steinbeck originally did, as a stageplay instead of a narrative novella


    This section can be divided into several dialogue chunks, as follows:

    1. George, Slim, Lennie and Candy (discussing Lennie)

    2. Candy and Carlson (discussing the dog)

    3. George, Lennie and Candy (discussing the dream)

    4. Curley, George, Lennie and Slim (the fight)

    Divide the class into four groups, and assign a scene to each group.

    Together, the students should develop a script for each scene, based on the dialogue in Steinbeck's text. The scripts will be of variable length, depending on the students'...

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