New Moon Metaphors and Similes

New Moon Metaphors and Similes

Hellish silence (metaphor)

Every character of this romantic novel has his or her own problems or skeletons in the closet. Every character wants to talk to someone about secrets or just sound off. Bella Swan wants to tell her tragedy about unhappy love. Jacob wants to reveal to someone (of course Bella) the secret that he is a werewolf. People do not just desire to keep problems in their subconscious. Everyone wants to weep bitterly. However, if there is no such possibility, then our characters suffer. “Silence is hell.” This is the hell in which people suffer because they are lonely. “It is hell to not be able to talk to anyone."

Bella like a lost moon (simile)

When Edward severs ties with Bella, she is “like a lost moon. Her planet is destroyed in some cataclysmic, disaster-movie scenario of desolation.” It continues, nevertheless, to circle in a tight little orbit around the empty space left behind, ignoring the laws of gravity. Bella is as lonely as her little planet, because someone broke her heart.

Jacob like an earthbound sun (simile)

Jacob is simply a perpetually happy person, and he carries that happiness with him “like an aura, sharing it with whoever is near him. Like an earthbound sun”, whenever someone is within his gravitational pull, Jacob warms all people. It is natural, a part of who he is. No wonder Bella is so eager to see him, considering that Jacob is a very caring and good person.

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