

The novel is set in post Spanish Civil War Barcelona. The novel is narrated by its main character, Andrea, an orphan, who has fond memories of her well off family in Barcelona, and has been raised in a convent in provincial Spain.

The government has awarded Andrea a scholarship and a subsistence stipend so that she can attend university. She travels to Barcelona to the home of her grandmother, only to find it filthy and falling apart. Her frail, devoutly Catholic grandmother seems unaware of her miserable surroundings. Also living in the crumbling house is a strict, controlling aunt Angustias, a roguish, but musically talented uncle, Roman, another uncle, Juan, who abuses his beautiful wife Gloria. The whole group regularly comes to blows throughout Andrea’s stay, and Angustias eventually escapes by entering a convent.

At the university, Andrea befriends a rich girl, Ena, who begins a strange relationship with Andrea's Uncle Roman. She pretends to care for him, but is really taking revenge for his poor treatment of her mother years before.

Roman becomes involved in the black market, but Gloria reports him to the authorities. He commits suicide, in fear of arrest by the Francoist police.

Ena and her family move to Madrid, and soon send for Andrea to join them.[1] Ena’s father offers to give her a job and subsidize her further education. In the final part of the novel, Andrea is picked up by the family’s fancy car and she leaves behind her unpleasant life on Aribau Street in Barcelona.[2]

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