Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil Summary

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil Summary

In Savannah, Georgia, we meet Jim Williams, a local developer and renovator. John Berendt is in town hoping to solve the murder which has happened recently in town. The two men meet and Berendt gets the grand tour where he also sees relics and possessions that Williams has kept, including a Nazi flag. He meets Danny Hansford, a confusing employee of the estate who seems like he's more trouble than he is help.

While investigating, Berendt meets Joe Odom, a clever trickster who schemes the public for money. His home is a hang-out for the town's less mainstream folks. Berendt meets Savannah's underground scene, which includes Mr. Glover, a man who believes he has an invisible dog, and the remarkable Lady Chablis, a drag queen with a powerful personality. She tells Berendt that there has been another murder that he doesn't know about. Jim Williams has killed Danny Hansford.

The court is expected to give leniency to Williams for the murder, because the town knows that Danny is a rowdy person. But Berendt learns about their relationship; not only was Danny a paid employee, he was also William's lover. In a shock to the whole town, Williams is found guilty of first degree murder. This dampens the mood of the town, because that means the huge Christmas party where Williams invites the whole town to his estate will be canceled.

After a lengthy appeals process, Williams finds a judge who will acquit him. He has now stood trial three times. He returns to his mansion and starts back with his normal life. But, before he can get adjusted, he falls ill with pneumonia. He dies in the room where he murdered Danny.

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