Memory of Water Imagery

Memory of Water Imagery


The narrator depicts the sense of hearing top readers when she describes the sound that thrums loudly inside the cave. The narrator says, "The sound thrummed loud." When the narrator and her father get inside the cave, they use his lantern to see around, and suddenly they hear a loud sound. However, the father is not shocked because he is used to such sounds, but the narrator gets very scared.


The difficulties of exploring the water sources are described using the sense of sight. The narrator says, “I tried to see ahead, but the glow of the lanterns did not reach far. The darkness received us with a rumble. It was like the roar of heated water at the bottom of an iron cauldron but more like the sound of a thousand or even thousands of cauldrons when the water has just begun to boil, and the tea master knows it is time to remove it from the fire." The imagery paints reality, showing readers that exploring new water sources is challenging.


Since childhood, the narrator emphasizes that she has been taught to taste anything before drinking or eating it. The narrator says, "I leaked my fingers carefully like I had been taught to do since I was young: never drink water you haven't tested first. When the narrator and her father get at the bond, she dips her fingers into the water and leaks it before drinking it. The objective of the narrator and her father is to ensure the water sources they document are safe for consumption.

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