Memory of Water Characters

Memory of Water Character List

Noria Kaitio

Noria is the 17-year-old story's protagonist, the daughter of a local tea master. Noria is concerned about climate change because she is living in the future of Scandinavia, where water is a rare commodity and the most valued commodity. Noria is unhappy with how people are suffering because even having a shower is difficult because water is preserved for drinking and preparing food.

Noria is interested in learning more about water sources and keenly follows everything her father does. Noria's father is a tea master, and he can discover underground springs that can save the world. Consequently, Noria spends the rest of her life working on environmental conservation and developing strategies for water preservation to ensure many people have access to water, which is the most precious commodity.

Noria’s father

Noria’s father is a local tea master, and his wife was once a university academic. Noria’s father can secretly access water springs that can save the world. He uses the water from the secret spring to make his tea the most precious commodity in demand in the entire local town and the region. He shows Noria the secret of locating pure water springs and how to preserve such precious commodities for the benefit of the people.


Sanja is Noria’s best friend, a businessperson who runs a recycling shop, showing her passion for conserving the environment and ensuring people live safely. Three layers of insect screens surround Sanja's shop. Sanja is an ambitious person like Noria, who helps her in dangerous encounters to learn more about the environment. For instance, they visit a plastic graveyard where they discover more precious items that can be recycled to make the environment clean.

Maj. Bolin

Maj. Bolin is the region's military chief and a friend to Noria's family. Bolin frequently visits Noria's family, and he protects the teahouse and the hidden spring. Bolin is a government officer who ensures that the policies and recommendations of water security are implemented fully.

Cmdr. Taro

Taro is the one who succeeds Maj. Bolin is less accommodating, and his traits depict him as a careless individual who puts his interests first. Taro leads soldiers to trash the tea house to look for the hidden spring. Luckily, Taro's soldiers must gain adequate knowledge to discover the hidden spring.

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