Me Talk Pretty One Day Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does Sedaris use humor in this text?

    In this collection, Sedaris recounts his awkward youth, pointing to some particularly humorous moments. It seems that Sedaris has a talent in finding humor in situations that might be humiliating and embarrassing for others. For example, when Sedaris moved to Paris he hoped to become fluent in French but was made fun of by the teacher, and in another story, he recounts an embarrassing moment at a party. Humor is reached as the reader themselves might be able to relate to these situations.

  2. 2

    What is the significance of family in this collection?

    In these personal essays, Sedaris does not only speak about himself; he also introduces other family members, such as his younger brother Paul, who apparently use to cuss a lot when he was younger. Sedaris also explores the dynamics of a family, with all its ups and downs. For example, he reveals how his parents became less strict as they had more children, and the fact he was jealous of this as an older child.

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