Maybe You Should Talk to Someone Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Stress - “Idiots”

In the case of John, Gottlieb writes, “Patient reports feeling “Stressed out” and states that he is having difficulty sleeping and getting along with his wife. Expressed annoyance with others and seeks help ‘managing idiots’.” Apparently, stress obstructs with one’s matrimonial life and tranquil sleep. John’s exasperation with other persons triggers him to brand them idiots. John is enduring adverse pressure which is injurious to his interpersonal collaborations.

Fear - “The Space of a Step”

Gottlieb writes, “Telling somebody you’re a psychotherapist often leads to a surprised pause, followed by awkward questions like these: ‘Oh, a therapist! Should I tell you about my childhoods?! Or ‘Can you help me with this problem with my mother-in-law?”…But I understand where these responses come from. It boils down to fear-of being exposed , of being found out.” Psychoanalytically, the leading queries which are directed to psychoanalysts illustrate the unconscious qualms which most individuals have regarding the prospect of their imperfections being exposed. The unravelling of their flaws would render them defenseless and psychologically stripped.

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