Master Class Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why doesn’t Maria “believe” in microphones?

    Maria introduces herself to her audience, telling them that she does not believe in microphones. She explains that singing is all about “projection,” and therefore it is wrong to take this away by using a microphone. She also says that it is important for the audience to actively listen, rather than relying on the assistance of a microphone.

  2. 2

    How is the play structured?

    The play has two acts that are structured similarly. In both sections, Maria speaks to her students and asks them to perform. Afterward, she then critiques their performance and suggests ways to improve. This dialogue is also interrupted by frequent monologues performed by Maria, where she shares experiences and anecdotes.

  3. 3

    What are some examples of Maria's diva-like behavior?

    In the play, we can see that Maria often acts like a diva. This is probably due to her success and esteem, which means she is respected and admired by those around her; however, Maria is far from humble. Firstly, Maria is rude to her students, often embarrassing and interrupting them when they are on the stage. Maria also isn't often satisfied, interrupting performances for a glass of water, a stool to sit on, and a pillow.

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